This post is part of a series called Summer Vacations We planned a get away where we are largely able to be distant from others. Having the RV means little…
This post is part of a series called Summer Vacations We planned a get away where we are largely able to be distant from others. Having the RV means little…
This post is part of a series called Summer Vacations Taking a walk away from the park, you can see all the open land and hills surrounding it Also, cows….
This post is part of a series called Summer Vacations We had thought about going to the coast, but the gulf coast is a mess of people during spring break….
This post is part of a series called Summer 2018 Wait.. no.. this is Montgomery BELL State Park in BURNS Tn. This is a pretty neat park. Lots of…
This post is part of a series called Summer 2018 We made it back into the U.S. without any problems. We didn’t get scrutinized or searched. I’m a little disappointed….