- Everything is all right
- Nihon ni ikimashita!
- In the BIG city..
- Drinks
- Traditional Meals
We made it to Japan!!! The flight was long but they kept feeding us so everything was groovy instead of hangry.
Yesterday we ventured to Diver (Daiba) City. We had to change trains several times, sometimes due to missing a stop, but we made it to our destination. We shopped at one of their malls. Ate mall food. Shopped.
Yes, Japan is hot. Think Houston muggy hot. Bleah. Once we returned to our train destination, I was not feeling great. I was hot, sweaty, hot, out of breath, sweaty, feet hurting, did I mention hot? All I wanted was a refreshing cool bottle of water. Stopped at a convience store but the water felt warm like they just restocked the cooler. Then we found a vending machine which by the way are AWESOME!!! All I wanted was a bottle of water. When the kids said that the machine was out, I started to freak out. But then Mike came to the rescue and found water in another vending machine that was a little more yen than the water.

Ahhh, my savior has come through. I take a sip and it’s refreshing! So cold. So good. Even tingly. Now I’m ready to gulp it down. I pour it in my mouth and all I got was a trickle. Huh? I tried again. Even less water came out. This bottle of water was teasing me. The kids saw my face and asked me if I was okay. I started crying and said no because the water won’t come out. It’s broke! Come to find out, it was not water. If you look really close…

It’s not just water. It contains blobs of cubed jelly in it along with some kind of spearmint to give you a zing of ‘cool’. If I could have found a bench to blubber cry, I would have. Mike ended up taking me to the first sit down resturaunt that he saw and took me inside to the COLD blessed A/C where they gave me a glass of cold plain water.