This post is part of a series called Summer 2018
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We made it back into the U.S. without any problems. We didn’t get scrutinized or searched. I’m a little disappointed. I wore special underwear for the occasion.
On the way to our night’s RV park, we stopped on the south side of Lake Erie for some beach time.
It really felt like being at a rocky beach by the ocean. You couldn’t see the far side and it didn’t smell anything like a lake. It was just missing a bit of the salt smell for an ocean.
Yes.. I know what a normal lake smells like, not like a moss’n’death smell of Louisiana lakes.
There were all kinds of neat rocks and even a couple pieces of ‘sea glass’, which is just man-made glass that has lived in the surf long enough to be rounded with a frosted exterior.
Comments (2)
Beautiful pictures
Looks like you guys were warmer than in the ocean pics!
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