- Ain’t gone nowhere
- The Vessel
- The Goal
- The Way
- Getting Ready
- Wallpaper
- Buzzing along…
- Up the East Coast
- First stop, Shreveport
- Cajun Country
- Shreveport Pics
- Crossing the Mississippi River
- Sweet Alabama
- Alabama Pics
- Thar be Gems in them thar Hills
- Dry Falls
- Rockhound’s Paradise
- Who am I to disagree?
- Washington DC(Day Care)
- Science in yo face
- District of Columbia
- Hershey Town PA
- In the Penn
- Mount Pocono
- Odetah RV Resort
- Woolen Factories
- Rhodes? Where we are going..
- Silver Beach Lake
- Block Island
- Sister Peter
- Old Orchard Be-yeetch!
- Bar Harbor
- Oh… Canada….
- Niagara Falls.. A lot
- Great Lakes, Batman!
- Eeeexxxxxcellent….
- Cornell/Germain Reunion
We left DC and headed for Elizabethtown PA so we could go to HersheyPark(HersheyLand? HersheyWorld?).
It ended up being a really cool place. It was a ThemePark, WaterPark, and Zoo all rolled into one ticket. There were fair type games and prizes, but with people actually winning things.

I have discovered that you can easily increase the effect of any park ride by simply taking a strong antihistamine. If it makes you slightly dizzy, then the ride will suddenly feel like the world has has been ripped away from you and sent you tumbling into space.
After a recovery day where I kept the ground firmly stored beneath my feet, we drove north to another campground near Mt Pocono. Since we were running extremely ahead of schedule for the day, we decided to take a detour for a Train Museum in Strasburg. It ended up being really cool.
My son is a train nut. He loves model trains and can tell me all about the scale and blah bla-blah ba-blah. Trains are definitely cool, though. This place has a bunch indoors and is restoring them and some others outside in their train-yard. They even have a turntable out there.
I was disappointed to find a racist train car in the bunch, though.
Shame on you tanker… shame..
Comments (3)
You’re in my neck of the woods now! Sounds like you are having a good time!
Make sure you get a real cheesesteak while you are up that way!
It would have to be pretty good to beat Delaware subs, IMO.
Oh man… I could ride those spinning rides when I was younger. Now they make me sick! :-/ So fun though!
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