- Ain’t gone nowhere
- The Vessel
- The Goal
- The Way
- Getting Ready
- Wallpaper
- Buzzing along…
- Up the East Coast
- First stop, Shreveport
- Cajun Country
- Shreveport Pics
- Crossing the Mississippi River
- Sweet Alabama
- Alabama Pics
- Thar be Gems in them thar Hills
- Dry Falls
- Rockhound’s Paradise
- Who am I to disagree?
- Washington DC(Day Care)
- Science in yo face
- District of Columbia
- Hershey Town PA
- In the Penn
- Mount Pocono
- Odetah RV Resort
- Woolen Factories
- Rhodes? Where we are going..
- Silver Beach Lake
- Block Island
- Sister Peter
- Old Orchard Be-yeetch!
- Bar Harbor
- Oh… Canada….
- Niagara Falls.. A lot
- Great Lakes, Batman!
- Eeeexxxxxcellent….
- Cornell/Germain Reunion
Wow. DC is huge! Like marvel comics huge! My feet would disown me if they could.
All in all we had a blast. We considered using the metro system, however, it was going to take one 45 minute bus ride to connect us to the metro rail. By that time, I’d be car sick and our kids would be ready to do something and we still wouldn’t be at our destination. Instead, we decided to try Lyft. It was great! We were picked up within minutes of submitting our request. All vechicles were clean. Some had music on (classical, afro beat, rock, etc.) while others were silent. However, there was one guy that was horrible. We were picked up at the Dulles airport after visiting the Air & Space museum. As we are leaving the area, the guy asked me which is the better way to get to our destination. Ummm, I’m from Austin Texas so you need to follow your gps. He took the wrong turn. As he was NOT slowing down on the exit ramp, I thought for sure we were going to slam into the car infront of us. As I gripped my seat in fear, he did stop within an inch of the car and said, “I’m sorry mam. I’m sorry.” The ride did not get any better. Let’s just say I almost got out to walk home but my feet said, “No f-ing way”. As soon as I got back to the RV, I took my tequila and downed two glugs straight out of the bottle. Hell, since I’m the only one drinking it, why use a clean glass? Then Will asked, “How does alcohol help with mama’s sickness?” Mike explained it to him while I sat down ready to pass out.
I took lots of pictures of everything. Here is the basic run down of where we went.
Air & Space Museums
The Smithsonian has two locations for their space & air exhibits. Planes are large and need lots of room to display which is why they have a second location at the Dulles Airport. I took pictures of the space shuttle Discovery. Jill asked if it was the ‘real’ thing. “See those burn marks on the tile? That’s from the atmosphere when it re-entered our world. Yes, it’s very real.” Look through the pics. I’ve added info on most of the pictures.
Natural Science & History Museum
Jill & I seperated from the boys to tackle this museum. Jill LOVES bones. I have no idea why. I can only imagine what she will be as an adult. I didn’t take as many pics. I didn’t realize the sting ray’s wings contain bones.
Lincoln Memorial
Wow. The Lincoln is waaay bigger in person. Will was nagging us about visiting this site, so we did. I did take one picture of one of his writings that pertains to today’s life. Pics.
White House
I have no idea if the president was in town. I couldn’t see much of the white house due to the trees, permiter fence, DC police, army, etc. We did see some peaceful protesters get arrested because they went beyond the temporary fence. Pics.
DC Area
Here are some random pics around the area. We saw the Capitol and the supreme court (along with more protestors).
Botantical Gardens
It was awesome and didn’t take us too long to walk through it. Pics.
Washington Monument
We didn’t get a chance to see the Washington Monument up close. Right now, it’s closed for repairs. Apparently, the underground water level dropped drastically which fractured the foundation. It was neat to see it from various locations throughout the DC area. Pics.
We were here for four days. On the 4th day which was the day after I got car sick, we decided to hang out in the RV. Everyone needed the down time. We did go see the movie Incredibles 2 which was awesome. We also ate at a diner that had a jukebox at our table. The kids were amazed with that technology.
Comments (1)
Wonderful pictures. Beautiful pictures of you guys. Love you.
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