- Ain’t gone nowhere
- The Vessel
- The Goal
- The Way
- Getting Ready
- Wallpaper
- Buzzing along…
- Up the East Coast
- First stop, Shreveport
- Cajun Country
- Shreveport Pics
- Crossing the Mississippi River
- Sweet Alabama
- Alabama Pics
- Thar be Gems in them thar Hills
- Dry Falls
- Rockhound’s Paradise
- Who am I to disagree?
- Washington DC(Day Care)
- Science in yo face
- District of Columbia
- Hershey Town PA
- In the Penn
- Mount Pocono
- Odetah RV Resort
- Woolen Factories
- Rhodes? Where we are going..
- Silver Beach Lake
- Block Island
- Sister Peter
- Old Orchard Be-yeetch!
- Bar Harbor
- Oh… Canada….
- Niagara Falls.. A lot
- Great Lakes, Batman!
- Eeeexxxxxcellent….
- Cornell/Germain Reunion
Here we are in Washington DC. Surrounded by all parts of our government where grown adults smart-mouth and insult each other. A magic world where everyone works together at refusing to work together.

This frustrating, inefficient system is by design. It slows down actions to give good judgement a chance to sneak in. Those founding fathers were some really smart fellows. I’m not sure if they expected how much we have advanced their system of getting little done besides the continual sound of people patting themselves on the back. They might be proud… or very, very angry.
I felt like this statue was the best representation of today’s politics.

In the house of Abe, I considered how far we have come since his time. Our government often feels like a dysfunctional family, but it does eventually do the right thing. Sometimes it takes a step backwards, too. I think those times happen mostly when good people stop paying attention and let someone in a “position of authority” tell them what to think. They may be right or wrong. They might have an agenda. The truth should always be the goal. Following the truth leads to making the right decisions.
Looking around at the diversity and silent respect of the visitors, it’s clear that we have mostly done right by him. We still have some work to do, though. Bias is hard to shake, especially when we convince ourselves we don’t have it.
Btw.. I confirmed the White House is still there, but they were not letting people too close to it. Well, except for those folks around the back they were arresting.
They got closer.
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Loved the pictures.
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