- Ain’t gone nowhere
- The Vessel
- The Goal
- The Way
- Getting Ready
- Wallpaper
- Buzzing along…
- Up the East Coast
- First stop, Shreveport
- Cajun Country
- Shreveport Pics
- Crossing the Mississippi River
- Sweet Alabama
- Alabama Pics
- Thar be Gems in them thar Hills
- Dry Falls
- Rockhound’s Paradise
- Who am I to disagree?
- Washington DC(Day Care)
- Science in yo face
- District of Columbia
- Hershey Town PA
- In the Penn
- Mount Pocono
- Odetah RV Resort
- Woolen Factories
- Rhodes? Where we are going..
- Silver Beach Lake
- Block Island
- Sister Peter
- Old Orchard Be-yeetch!
- Bar Harbor
- Oh… Canada….
- Niagara Falls.. A lot
- Great Lakes, Batman!
- Eeeexxxxxcellent….
- Cornell/Germain Reunion
Below are the pictures I took while in Alabama. We stayed two nights at Tannehill Historical Ironworks State Park. There is a lot of history in the area. Located at this park is an iron forgery built in 1830. Think about it…1830…almost 200 years ago. At least my little brain is able to fathom that time frame unlike the petrified forest. The first furnance built was in 1830 by Tannehill and it was powered by a wheel and water. Furnaces 2 and 3 were built a few years later using a newer technology steam engines. All three furnaces produced large amounts of iron. During the civil war, it produced ammunition for the Confederate Army, however, the Union burnt it down. The remains of the furnaces laid there until it was restored in 1975 for America’s bicentennial celebration. The park holds live demos once a month for visitors.
Enjoy browsing the pics. Click on the image for more info.
Comments (4)
Beautiful pictures.
Happy birthday Jill!
Thanks for sharing the quilt pictures!
Of course! I was thinking of you when I saw them.
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